Job Profile

Sports Commentator

Job Description

As a Sports Commentator, you will be the person covering a sports event to the viewers/listeners of TV and radio stations accordingly.

Job Requirements

The commentator’s job is to actively follow the game and describe the most important events that play out, while also doing it in a passionate way that captivates listeners and truly translates the excitement of the game.
Sports commentators can work directly for sports teams or a media company to bring relevant, interesting and insightful commentary to sports games. During sporting events, they work in an area that allows them to view play unhindered, like a press box or broadcast booth. This allows them to provide an accurate description of events as they happen. When they're not announcing games, sports commentators can work in an office setting to perform research into teams, players and statistics for upcoming games.
A commentator must display a good ability to control their voice and emotions, and have good speaking skills, able to convey a game with true passion.
Interview coaches, managers, players and sports analysts

Essential Personal Skills

Communication skills
Interpersonal skills

University Degree Needed?


Experience Level






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