Air Accident Investigator

Air Accident Investigator

Air Accident Investigator

Job Description

As an air accident investigator, you will aim to improve aviation safety by determining the circumstances and causes of aircraft accidents and serious incidents.


  • Determine the circumstances in which civil aircraft accidents and serious incidents take place worldwide including the initial 'onsite' search, retrieval of recorded data, etc.
  • Promote safety action to prevent the reoccurance of aircract accidents and serious incidents.
  • Liaise with technical personnel from aircraft manufacturers, operators, maintainers and regultors for both the investigation and future developments.
  • Exposed to situations and material of a sensitive or traumatic nature and recordings which may be distressing.


  • Communication Skills
  • Teamworking
  • Problem-solving
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Time Management
  • Attention to Detail
University Degree Needed?
Experience Level

Career Progression